Friday, August 27, 2010

Blue Mountain Chardonnay II

So, about this Blue Mountain Chardonnay And how I came to have two bottles in my wine cooler thingy. Incidentally, here's what a wine cooler thingy looks like:

And, they're really called wine coolers. Not wine cooler thingies. But I'm of an age where "wine coolers" mean Seagram's Bahama Mama and Bartles and Jaymes (look 'em up here). But now that I'm all grown up, I rarely drink wine coolers unless you count Mike's Lemonade which is my default if that's the only choice (beer not being a real choice).

And, the way that those two bottles of Blue Mountain Chardonnay from Berthoud,  Colorado ended up in my wine cooler is that I BOUGHT THEM ON MY SUMMER VACATION!

The ninja and I took our two 12-yr old nephews to Florida for 5 days. We bookended those 5 days with two very relaxing long weekends in Denver. During the first of those weekends, my long-time girlfriend and I entered a tennis tournament together (in Colorado Springs). By my calculations, I played 13 sets of tennis in the course of 30 hours (9am Saturday through 3pm Sunday). That IS my idea of a relaxing weekend. I'm weird that way. Now, the second of those bookend weekends was much more to the ninja's liking. We bummed around the Tattered Cover and a clearance sale of GoLite gear. And, we hit two great Farmers Markets.

The second Farmers Market was right across from the Tattered Cover's Colfax Ave location. That's where I tasted the Blue Mountain Chardonnay and purchased two bottles! That's ALSO where we had a Thai Peanut Cilantro Omelette at Dolly's Omelettes booth. It was great! I've made two for myself back home in SoCal since that time. Delish!

After we bought the Blue Mountain Chardonnay, we had a BRIGHT IDEA! We were on a meandering, but relentless march toward Denver Int'l and the end of our vacation. And, I knew I couldn't put the wine in my carry on. And, I wasn't crazy about putting it my checked bag either. So, I thought, "Hey, let's stop by FedEx and ship it to ourselves!" Well, it turns out YOU CAN'T SHIP WINE even if it's to your own home address! Is that crazy?

Well, we ended up storing it carefully in our checked bag and everything turned out fine. And, here I sit, enjoying it today!

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